Publications of High Voltage Engineering and Asset Management Section


Showing results 201 - 220 out of 763


Zhou X, Shi HB, Kuhnke M, Werle P, Gockenbach E, Borsi H. Evolution and discharge pattern of creeping discharge at aged oil/pressboard interface. In 2016 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP 2016. 2016. p. 1053-1056. 7785568. (Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP). doi: 10.1109/ceidp.2016.7785568


Farahani M, Werle P, Gockenbach E. Investigation on Correlation between Breakdown Voltage and Diagnostic Measurements for an Insulation System Used in Rotating Machines. 2015.
Gockenbach E. Prüfmethoden und Diagnoseverfahren für den Einsatz von polymeren Isolierstoffen in Kabeln für Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Übertragungen. 2015.
Gratz O, Kuhnke M, Werle P, Gockenbach E, Asenov D, Knabel P et al. Breakdown Behaviour of New Insulation Liquids under AC and DC Stress and Gap Distances over 10 mm. In Haller R, editor, 19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, ISH 2015. 2015
Imani MT, Fofana I, Werle P. Einfluss von Alterungsnebenprodukten auf das Gasungsverhalten von Isolierflüssigkeiten. 2015.
Jahangir H, Akbari Azirani A, Werle P, Mirzaei HR, Hajipour E. Time-to-Arrival Estimation of UHF PD Signals Based on Dynamic Cumulative Sum of Likelihood Ratio. 2015.
Kuzmin O, Werle P. Asset Management strategies. 2015.
Mirzaei H, Akbari A, Gockenbach E, Miralikhani K. Advancing new techniques for UHF PDdetection and localization in the power transformers in the factory tests. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2015 Feb 1;22(1):448-455. 7033415. doi: 10.1109/TDEI.2014.004249
Rahimbakhsh M, Gockenbach E, Werle P. Verification of a New Developed Algorithm for the Evaluation of AC and DC Signals Using the IEC Test Data Generator. 2015.
Saadati H, Seifert JM, Werle P, Gockenbach E, Borsi H. Partial Discharge Analysis under Hybrid AC/DC Field Stress. 2015.
Tran N, Nguyen TP, Ho DL, Pham TMT, Pham DAK, Borsi H et al.. Attempts in Extending a new Method to improve Performance of Frequency Response. 2015.
Werle P, Kuzmin O. Asset Management of Transformer Fleets - an Overview. 2015.
Werle P. Challenges of DGA Interpretation - Theory and Practical Examples. 2015.
Werle P, Hartje M, Schreiter S, Kuzmin O. Diagnose von Leistungstransformatoren – Fallbeispiel aus der Praxis. 2015.
Werle P, Szczechowski J, Asshauer T. Increase Transformer Reliability – From Condition Assessment to On-Site Repair. 2015.
Werle P, Akbari Azirani A. New Techniques and Algorithms for UHF Partial Discharge Detection and Localization in Power Transformers. 2015.
Werle P, Akbari Azirani A, Mirzaei HR, Szczechowski J. Partial Discharge UHF Electromagnetic Waves in Power Transformers: Simulation, Detection and Localization. 2015.
Zhou X, Rybakov A, Werle P, Gockenbach E, Borsi H. The Influence of Thermal Ageing on the Electrical and Physicochemical Properties of Pressboard/Oil Interface. 2015.


Gratz O, Kinkeldey T, Gockenbach E. Entwicklung und Einsatz einer Messvorrichtung zur Untersuchung des Imprägniervorganges von Wickelkörpern einer Öl-Papier-Isolierung mittels dielektrischer Diagnoseverfahren. 2014.
Kornhuber S, Kouzmine O, Radigk C, Scheil K, Schreiter S, Werle P. Diagnose von Transformatoren im Betrieb - Eine mehrdimensionale Betrachtung!. 2014.

Annual Reports and Newsletters of High Voltage Technology and Asset Management Section