Newsletter 2021
Showing results 441 - 460 out of 763
Zhang X, Zhang J, Pietsch G. Estimation of the Effective Arc Voltage with Consideration of Radiation during a Three-Phase Arc Fault. 2006.
Zhang X, Gockenbach E. Estimation of the Failure Rate of the Electrical Components with Respect to the Dimension of Medium Voltage Networks. 2006.
Zhang X, Zhang J, Pietsch G. Estimation of the Fault Arc Currents during a Three-Phase Arc Fault. 2006.
Zhang X, Pietsch G, Zhang J, Gockenbach E. Fundamental investigation on the thermal transfer coefficient due to arc faults. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2006;34(3 PART 3):1038-1045. doi: 10.1109/TPS.2006.874846
Zhang X, Pietsch G, Gockenbach E. Investigation of the thermal transfer coefficient by the energy balance of fault arcs in electrical installations. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2006 Jan;21(1):425-431. doi: 10.1109/TPWRD.2005.852274
Abedi N, Szczechowski J, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Localization of Partial Discharge Sources using a Differential Antenna Detector. 2005.
Akbari A, Setayeshmehr A, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. A Data Mining Approach for on-line Monitoring of Transformer Bushings. 2005.
Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Midel 7131 as Alternative Liquid to Mineral Oil for Transformers. 2005.
Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Properties of Alternative Liquids to Mineraloil for Transformers. 2005.
Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Properties of Ester Liquid Midel 7131 as an Alternative Liquid to Mineral Oil for Transformators. 2005.
Ehsani M, Bakhshandeh GR, Morshedian J, Borsi H, Gockenbach E, Farahani M. Effect of LDPE on the mechanical, electrical, and dynamical properties of blends of EPEM-silione rubbers. 2005.
Ehsani M, Borsi H, Gockenbach E, Morshedian J, Bakhshandeh GR. Improvement of Tracking and Erosion Behavior of Outdoor Insulation with a New Polymeric Alloy. 2005.
Ehsani M, Borsi H, Gockenbach E, Bakhshandeh GR, Morshedian J. Modified silicone rubber for use as high voltage outdoor insulators. Advances in polymer technology. 2005 Mar;24(1):51-61. doi: 10.1002/adv.20027
Ehsani M, Bakhshandeh GR, Morshedian J, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Study of Electrical, Mechanical and Surface Properties of Composite Insulators. 2005.
Ehsani M, Bakhshandeh GR, Morshedian J, Borsi H. Surface Degradation of Outdoor Polymedric Insulators Resulting from Electrical and Environmental Stress. 2005.
Farahani M, Borsi H, Gockenbach E, Kaufhold M. Partial discharge and dissipation factor behavior of model insulating systems for high voltage rotating machines under different stresses. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine. 2005 Oct 3;21(5):5-18. doi: 10.1109/MEI.2005.1513425
Farahani M, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Significance of Capacitance and Dissipation Factor Tip-Up Measurements in the Insulating System of High Voltage Rotating Machines. 2005.
Fofana I, Wasserberg V, Borsi H, Gockenbach E, Farzaneh M. Preliminary Investigations on the Insulating Liquid used in some Loading Resistances to Quantify Premature Damage Causes. 2005.
Gockenbach E, Borsi H. Grenzfläche Feststoff - Flüssigkeit Beanspruchungen, Wechselwirkungen, Design, Prüfverfahren, Lebensdauer. 2005.
Gockenbach E. Impact of new lightning and switching impulse definitions on the test results for insulation systems. 2005. Paper presented at 2005 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, ISEIM 2005, Kitakyushu, Japan. doi: 10.1109/iseim.2005.193492