Newsletter 2021
Showing results 681 - 700 out of 762
Borsi H, Gockenbach E, Wenzel D. Separation of partial discharges from pulse-shaped noise signals with the help of neural networks. IEE Proceedings: Science, Measurement and Technology. 1995 Jan;142(1):69-74. doi: 10.1049/ip-smt:19951565
Glaese U, Gockenbach E, Goehlich L. Water Sensor as an Integral Part of a Cable Monitoring System. 1995.
Gockenbach E, Straßburg K. PD-measurement and localization in high voltage switchgears. 1995.
Gockenbach E, Schiller G. The Breakdown Behaviour of XLPE-Samples at Voltages of Different Shapes. 1995.
Schichler U, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Prüfung von VPE-Kabelanlagen mit Hilfe einer Teilentladungsmessung. 1995.
Wenzel D, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Pulse Shaped Noise Reduction and Partial Discharge Localization on Transformers using the Karhunen-Loeve-Transform. 1995.
Wenzel D, Schichler U, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Recognition of Partial Discharges on Power Units by Directional Coupling. 1995.
Wenzel D, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Suppression of Synchronous Pulse Shaped Noises during Partial Discharge Monitoring on Transformers. 1995.
Wenzel D, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Unterdrückung impulsförmiger Störsignale bei der Vor-Ort-Teilentladungsmessung mit Hilfe der Naheste-Nachbar-Klassifikation. 1995.
Borsi H. Esterflüssigkeit Midel 7131 als Ersatz für Mineralöl in Transformatoren. EW – Magazin für die Energiewirtschaft. 1994.
Borsi H, Schröder U. Initiation and formation of partial discharges in mineral-based insulating oil. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 1994 Jun;1(3):419-425. doi: 10.1109/94.300284
Borsi H. Partial Discharges in Insulating Fluids, Initiation and Effects. 1994.
Schichler U, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Application of digital filters for on-site partial discharge detection on high voltage cables. 1994. Paper presented at 1994 IEEE 4th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials. Part 2 (of 2), Brisbane, Aust.
Schichler U, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Problems and new solutions for partial discharge measurement on high voltage cables under noisy conditions. Conference Record of IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation. 1994;66-69.
Szczyglowski I, Borsi H, Gockenbach E, Wandler B. Comparison of TSC and space-charge in epoxy resin and polycarbonate. Conference Record of IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation. 1994;70-73.
Wenzel D, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. New method of partial discharge localization on transformers via the Karhunen-Loeve-transform. 1994. Paper presented at 1994 IEEE 4th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials. Part 2 (of 2), Brisbane, Aust.
Wenzel D, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Noise suppression and data reduction for partial discharge measurements using orthogonal transformations. Conference Record of IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation. 1994;292-295.
Wenzel D, Borsi H, Gockenbach E. Partial discharge recognition and localization on transformers via fuzzy logic. Conference Record of IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation. 1994;233-236.
Borsi H, Schröder U. Initiation and Formation of Partial Discharges(PD) in Mineral Based Insulating Oil. 1993.
Borsi H. Judgement of the Partial Discharge Behaviour of Transformers by Gas-in-Oil-Analysis. 1993.