Publications of High Voltage Engineering and Asset Management Section


Showing results 721 - 740 out of 762


Beyer M, Borsi H, Oelert L. Investigation of damage-behavior in cast epoxy resin coils under thermal and electrical stress with the help of partial discharge (PD) measurements. In Proc 3 Int Conf Prop Appl Dielectr Mater. Publ by IEEE. 1991. p. 695-698
Borsi H, Schröder U. Dependencies between the Oil Condition and the Behaviour of Partial Discharges (PD) in Different Insulating Fluids for Transformers. 1991.
Borsi H. Dielectric Behavior of Silicone and Ester Fluids for Use in Distribution Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation. 1991 Aug;26(4):755-762. doi: 10.1109/14.83699
Borsi H. New Method for Partial Discharge (PD) Location in High Voltage Cables under Noisy Condition. 1991.
Borsi H. On-Site Partial Discharge (PD) Measurement on High Voltage Cables. 1991.
Gockenbach E. A Simple and Robust Evaluation Procedure for High Voltage Impulses. 1991.
Gockenbach E, Borsi H, Schröder U, schiller G. Contribution to the clarification of partial discharge behaviour in insulating liquids using the schlieren technique. European Transactions on Electrical Power. 1991;1(5):271-279. doi: 10.1002/etep.4450010507
Gockenbach E, Claudi A. High Voltage Impulse Parameter Evaluation using Relevant Standards for Digital Recorders. 1991.
Gockenbach E. Influence of Digitizer Performance and Evaluation Procedures on Errors in High Voltage Measurements. 1991.
Gockenbach E. Some Aspects on DC Pollution Tests. 1991.
Gockenbach E, Claudi A. The Digital HV Impulse Measuring System - A New Tool for Diagnostic and Automation. 1991.


Beyer M, Borsi H. Comparison of the electric and dielectric behaviour of different insulating fluids. 1990. Paper presented at 10th International Conference on Conduction and Breakdown in Dielectric Liquids, Grenoble, Fr.
Borsi H. Digital Location of Partial Discharges (PD) in High voltage Cables. 1990.
Borsi H. Esterfluid Midel 7131 as PCB-Substitute for Distribution Transformers. 1990.
Borsi H, Schröder U. Fundamental investigations concerning the behaviour of partial discharges (PD) in dielectric liquids. 1990. Paper presented at 10th International Conference on Conduction and Breakdown in Dielectric Liquids, Grenoble, Fr.
Borsi H, Schröder U. The correlation between partial discharges (PD) and gassing in insulating liquids. 1990. Paper presented at 10th International Conference on Conduction and Breakdown in Dielectric Liquids, Grenoble, Fr.


Beyer M, Borsi H. Fundamental investigations of partial discharge (PD) measuring systems for comparable pd-measurements on insulating fluids. 1989.
Beyer M, Lindwedel E. Partial discharge behaviour of an epoxy resin filled with silaned quartz powder. 1989.
Beyer M, Borsi H, Cachay O. Some aspects of basic investigations for acoustical partial discharge measurements and location on epoxy resin casted coils. 1989.
Borsi H, Hartje M. A new system for computer aided automation of different commercially available partial discharge detectors. 1989.

Annual Reports and Newsletters of High Voltage Technology and Asset Management Section