Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Werle
30167 Hannover
High voltage test and measurement techniques
Partial discharge measurement technology
Monitoring and diagnosis of high voltage components
AI methods for condition determination in asset management
Liquid and solid insulating materials
Professional Career
Full Professor at Schering-Institute (High Voltage Technolgy and Asset Management), Leibniz University Hannover06/2003-10/2015
Employee at ABB AG, Division power engineering, Business Unit: Transformers, Halle (Saale) in various positions:- 12/2003 Trainee
- 01/2004 Takeover of the insulating oil laboratory
- 05/2005 Additional responsibility of the areas of quality and test fields and establishment and management of the Profit Centers Engineering Solutions (incl. power of attorney)
- 01/2007-12/2009 Additional responsibility for leading the global partial discharge expert team of ABB's Business Unit (BU) Transformers.
- 07/2008-03/2010 Additional position as Global Technology Manager for Engineering Solutions of the product group Service in the BU Transformers of ABB
- ab 04/2010 Plant Manager of the transformer service plant in Halle (Saale) incl. the service locations in Nauen near Berlin and Neusäss near Augsburg with corresponding power of attorney
Academic Career
Degree of Electrical Engineering at the Leibniz University of Hannover
PhD at the Schering-Institute for High Voltage Technology: Erfassung und Evaluierung von Teilentladungen in Transformatoren mit innovativen Sensoren und adaptierten Verfahren der digitalen Signalverarbeitung, Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen, ISBN: 3-86727-000-7
Memberships and Boards
- Membership of Study Committee (SC) A2 (Power Transformers and Reactors) as Liaison Officer between A2 und IEC TC 10 (Fluids for Electrotechnical Applications) since 2009
- Membership of Advisory Group A2.4 (Transformer Utilisation) of SC A2 since 2010
- Manager of Advisory Group A2.8 (Lower Voltage Applications) of SC A2 since 2020
- Liaison Officer between SC A2 and CIRED since 2020
- Membership of SC A2 Strategy Teams since 2020
- Member of K 182 (Liquids and Gases for Electrotechnical Applications) since 2007