Seminar on Aspects of the Energy Transition, Winter Semester

Light bulb with leaf Light bulb with leaf Light bulb with leaf © PIRO4D. Pixabay

Module Description

In this course, participants meet every two weeks (Tuesday 14:45-20:15) for a roughly 4,5 hour (incl. break) round-table session.  Every session focuses primarily on a given technical or nontechnical topic  regarding the energy revolution (see below).  For each session, 6 or 7 suitable sources (for example studies, papers, journal articles, etc.) are introduced by the participants in short presentations and then discussed by the group.  At the end of each session, a list of sources for the next meeting will be handed out and assigned to the students to prepare for the next session.

Please note:

The following topics were discussed in the winter semester of 2022/2023:

  • CO2 pricing systems and their effect on climate protection
  • Negative CO2 emissions and sustainable CO2 cycles
  • Concerns and fake news against the energy transition
  • Psychological approaches to the success of the mobility transition
  • Opportunities and obstacles in the heat transition
  • Technologies for a successful heat transition


We use the Stud.IP website from Leibniz University Hannover for the management of the courses (date and time announcements, lecture and tutorial materials, video recordings…).  Please look there for more information.


Assistent for seminar
Aspects of the Energy Transition
Assistent for seminar
Aspects of the Energy Transition